Monday, April 27, 2020

What is a Meteoritic Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction Essay Topics?

What is a Meteoritic Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction Essay Topics?A lot of people wonder what is a meteoric Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction? When you read these topics, you should be aware that it is the cause of the end of the Ordovician. I know that many of you are very familiar with the scientific names and terminology that are associated with these two periods of time, so the material I will discuss is appropriate for those who are new to the topic.The Ordovician and Silurian periods overlapped. Each one represented the beginning of a different geological period. During the Silurian, many organisms evolved from simpler to more complex organisms, which would later be named after the period they represented. In the Ordovician, the Silurian explosion and the Silurian crash were the causes of the mass extinction.A mass extinction is the gradual death of most life on Earth. It is usually the result of large concentrations of rocks that are exposed below the Earth's surface, bu t in this case, it was caused by volcanoes. When this happens, it is referred to as an asteroid impact.Usually, the first sign of a mass extinction is the sudden ending of the plant life. This usually happens after a long period of intense and ongoing volcanic activity. Once this process starts, it is hard to stop and that is when a mass extinction will occur.After the mass extinction, the Earth is no longer capable of supporting most of the species. Some animals survive, such as some of the dinosaurs. At least that is the theory and that is the claim of most of the people who study these topics. Then, only mammals would be left and they would start to change into more reptiles.According to the mass extinction theories, the first human history would start in what is now Africa. After that, the extinction of the dinosaurs would start and it would last until the present day. Many more changes will be seen and then eventually the mammals would start to evolve. Only then, the human hist ory would start.As you can see, this subject is very challenging. You should always remember that this is the age of fossilization and there are no records of living organisms during the Silurian-Ordovician mass extinction, but there are plenty of fossils from the Silurian crash and the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction.

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